Bio: Rick Gangraw is the award winning author of
in the Ice and
Deathly Silent
two murder mysteries with a twist at the end. His new novel—
Escape from His Past —is tentatively
planned for a spring 2015 release. When he's not dabbling in fiction, he
enjoys sports, hiking, kayaking, camping, and researching his family history.
Artemis: What book/s are you currently reading?
Rick: Ted Dekker’s
BoneMan's Daughters
and Nicholas Sparks’
Haven both very well written, interesting styles, and excellent reads.
Artemis: Do you prefer paperbacks, hardcover or Kindle ,
Nook ?
Rick: I prefer a paperback that I can carry around easily,
usually an older copy that I may use for writing notes on certain pages.
I like the feel of a book and can’t picture myself ever going to a Kindle or
Artemis: What books have influenced you the most?
Rick: Past and
Past? - As a teenager, my favorites were Jack
London (“Call of the Wild”, “White Fang”), Edgar Allen Poe (too many to list
here), and
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (many of the Sherlock Holmes stories).
Present? - Recently, I’ve been studying the
writing styles of Ted Dekker (“Obsession”) and Dean Koontz
By the Light of the Moon
Artemis: Can you tell us a little bit about the plot of
your book?
Rick: Erik Johnson was wronged fifteen years ago and
it changed everything. He’s now back in town and on a mission of
vengeance against those who set him up. He only remembers some of the
details, but he knows enough to realize who ruined his career, his family, his
life and that’s all that matters to him.
Erik provides clues to Bill Ljunglof, a priest haunted
by his own past, and Tami Anderson, a police officer whose greatest fears come
alive in this case. They work together to determine who is giving them
information on prominent people in the community that have died recently, and
how they could be linked together. Meanwhile Erik finds that through
intermittent memories, everything is not what it seems. As Erik pieces together
what actually happened to him all those years ago, he can’t believe the
revelations, nor can Bill or Tami.
Artemis: What qualities does your protagonist have?

Rick: In
Deathly Silent
, my protagonist put his
enemies through a crematorium while they’re still alive and buries another
alive. However, he’s really not such a bad guy. He’s personable and
likeable, even leaving hints to a police officer and a priest to uncover the
conspiracy involving those community leaders. I want you to hate him at
first, but then feel sorry for him by the end of the story.
Artemis: Why should we read your book ?
Rick: I tried to come up with some of the worst
nightmares I could imagine, and put several characters through those
experiences. I also gave the main character a type of amnesia, only revealing
his past a little at a time over the course of the story, culminating in the
climactic ending. From page one, you see how cruel the main character can be,
but as you read, you wonder if he’s really the bad guy in the story.
Rick , thanks for being with us, You have a lot of great
reviews on Amazon. I wish you continued success with your book. Note: Readers you can sample Rick's book
by clicking any link on this page.